10 August 2016

Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Salem West Division, Salem 636 005
Tel: 0427-2448014, 2449214: email : slwdiv.wr@gmail.com
                                Web address : www.salemwestdivision.blogspot.com
Minutes of   BD review Meeting  held at O/o Supdt.of Post Offices, Salem West Division, Salem 636005
                    The Divisional Level BD/SB review meeting was held at O/o Supdt.of Post Offices, Salem West Division. The meeting commenced at 17 00 hours on 05.08.2016 as scheduled under the Presidency of Shri. E.R.Palanisamy, Supdt.of Post Offices, Salem West Division and with the co-ordination of Shri.R.A.Annamalai, Asst.Supdt.of Post Offices (HQ), Salem West Division. Besides this, the following were attended the review meeting on that day:
1.A.Manju, Inspector Posts, Rasipuram Sub Division, Rasipuram 637408
2.V.Leo Jesurajan, Inspector Posts, Metturddam Sub Division, Metturdam 636401
3.B.Subashini, Inspector Posts, Suramangalam Sub Division, Salem 636005
4.R.Sundarakrishnan, PRI(P), Surmangalam HO, Salem 636005
5.P.Sengottai Raja,Marketing Executive, Salem West Division, Salem 5
6.S.Arun, Marketing Executive, Salem West Division, Salem 636005
7.V.Geetharani, OA, BD branch, DO
8.M.Gayathri, OA, SB Branch, DO

                                    The following were discussed in this meeting with reference to the Target and Achievement in BD, FS & SB for the previous months in this financial year i.e from April to July 2016. SPOs has expressed the following:

1.     While reviewing our Business Targets, it is appreciable that we have in growth level in Premium Products comparing to the previous year achievement in these months.
2.     As directed by our PMG , 25%  is added to the last year achievement and the action plan to be succeeded to is derived and distributed to all the IPs , MEs and PRI(P). SPOs has expressed that all should follow this strategy to achieve the goal assigned to our division.
3.     Business Development has become an important part of revenue of our Department nowadays and IPs/MEs/PRI(P) shouls make strategic action plans to achieve the targets.
4.     Speed Post : 
                    SPOs has expressed that IPs should motivate the SPMs/BPMs to book speed Post articles. SPMs should not hesitate to book the  BO speed articles so that the speed post revenue will be improved in a good way. Daily atleast 50 speed post articles are to be booked in each SO.
            A   small name board   bearing “ இங்கு SPEED POST BOOK        செய்யப்படும்” may be supplied and exhibited in all the SOs/BOs for awareness to the general public.

5.      Business Post: 
                          To achieve more business post revenue, SPOs directed the IPs/MEs to get a list of bulk customers in their areas first then approach them frequently. They should get the mobile numbers of the business people and contact them periodically, met them in regular intervals and new customers should be identified every month.
 SPOs has also accorded permission to print visiting cards to  IPs/MEs for their use whenever required so as to enable the  customers to contact them.

6.      An extension counter at Metturdam SO may be identified on experimental basis after counter hours up to 19 00 hours. One GDS at Meturdam may be utilized to book speed post articles during these hours under supervision of suitable PA/SPM.
                The articles thus booked may be handed over to TMO or RMS which is feasible. IP, Metturdam may cause necessary action and intimate the pros and cons of this extension counter for further review.

7.     BNPL dues(Business Post/Ex.Parcel/B.Parcel/BMS)

                          SPOs has reviewed the BNPL dues and asked the MEs not to keep the dues beyond two months at any cost. They should approach the BNPL customers in a smooth way to collect the dues over due for more than two months without any hindrance to our future business. BD OA should ensure the collection of BNPL dues beyond two months, within 15 days through MEs.

8.     E Post:
                e post messages may be procured on important events like, birthdays, Marriage events, retirement day of staffs etc. IPs may motivate the staff in such a way. Municipality, Corporations, Commercial Tax offices may be approached in their areas to get e post messages in pre-paid.

9.     Philately:
               A minimum number of PD A/Cs is  yet to be achieved. It is felt sure that the target will be achieved by approaching the schools in all the areas. PMG has given a “GOOD STAR” in procuring the MY STAMP during last month. The efforts taken by all the team was appreciated by the SPOs.
                 Moreover,  SPOs expressed that we can get the photos of a marriage couple and compliment them with MY stamp so that they can keep them in their marriage album which is also a memorable one. IPs/MEs may approach in such a way to get more MY STAMP in the ensuing months.

               Also it is pertinent to say that an incentive of 10% will be given for the procurers of MY STAMP. SPOs has agreed to approve the incentive from 2015-16 onwards. This may also be educated to our staff during the melas, drives.
                       IPs should meet all the school , college authorities/ Industries involving risky jobs in their areas and  approach them oftenly to procure more number of  Jan Suraksha Accounts. Adequate supply of forms in r/o APY, PMJJBY and PMSBY  may be obtained from PSD, Coimbatore since all the IPs have expressed more number of requirement of forms. SB OA should ensure the supply at the earliest.

11.  SSA:
            IPs should instruct the BPMs/SPMs to be educative in getting the number of   girl children in their areas. They should approach the door steps of each village to procure more number of SSA accounts.

                                    SPOs concluded the meeting that the TOP3 performers in          a) SPEED POST b) e Post c) Jan Suraksha accounts will be awarded at the end of the financial year separately.  Thus the  meeting came to an end.

Copy of Minutes issued to:
1.      IPs of  Sub divisions for information and necessary action.
2.     MEs, DO/PRI(P), HO for information and necessary action.
3.     D branch/J branch DO for information and n/a in r/o Para no. 4& 6.
4.     BD/SB Branch, DO for information and n/a.

                                                                                                Supdt. Of Post Offices,
                                                                                                Salem West Division,
Salem 636005