4 February 2016

1. M/s. Karunya University will be configured as a National biller in the ePayment website by CEPT, Mysore.

2. The sale of application is done through 115 identified POs across the country.

3. The sale of applications should be made through ePayment only.

4. RS Puram HO is the nodal office for this business package and SSPOs, Coimbatore Division, Coimbatore 641 001 will be the nodal officer.

5. The cost of the application form is Rs. 750/-, out of which, commission payable to DoP is Rs. 94/- exclusive of service tax,.

6. Despatch of applications to the identified POs will be made by RS Puram HO through Business Parcel. RS Puram HO will not directly supply the stock to the identified POs across the country. The identified POs will make additional indent with BD branch, O/o Postmaster General, Coimbatore through email robdwr@gmail.com or through telephone no. 0422-2552750, 2558215, 2558209.

7. RS Puram HO will also monitor the stock position of application at Post Offices from their statements and make arrangements to divert the stock between identified Post Offices but only after receipt of instructions from BD branch, RO

8. The sale will commence from the date receipt of applications and closure date will be intimated shortly.

9. The Banners if any for display at the selected POs should be displayed at POs without hiding the identity of Post Office by M/s. Karunya University. The banner will be supplied by M/s. Karunya University and will be dispatched through Business Parcel.

10. The revenue earned in this scheme will be shown under Retail Post in the Business Performance Report every month.

12 The identified POs will forward the monthly sale details as per Annexure I. 

Incentive Structure:

16.    The incentive has to be deducted from the commission due to department @ Rs. 5/- per application sold and will be distributed as  follows :

Staff selling the application            at P.O
Rs. 2/- per appln.
APM (Counter) for checking stock / verification    at HO and SPM at SOs. 
If treasurer takes care of stock maintaining Re.1/- should be shared
Rs . 1/-. Per appln
Consolidation PA at  nodal office
Rs. 1/- per appln.
Supervisor at nodal office for effecting   payment          
Rs. 1/- per appln            
Rs. 5/-

17.    The incentives can be paid to the staff on monthly basis, based on sanction from the Divisional Heads.

18.    At the time of payment of incentive, the amount will be charged under ” UCP-incentives for sale of Karunya applications”.

Accounting Procedure:

At the identified POs:

19.    The entire amount of collection will be shown under eBill collections only, on the close of every day, since the transactions are done through ePayment.

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